
Wow! That's so two dot zero!

Maybe I shouldn't have signed in to that crap site in the first place. OK, too late now. As of today, I got another breakthrough offer from my friends at bloggingtothebank.com.

It's not only blogging. We all know that blogging is for elderly people. Us young folks are much more into the flashy stuff like Farmville Twitter!

Obviously there is a solution for that as well:

"Hi Hubert,

You need to check out this video...


I know you’re busy and you don’t want to waste
time on fruitless SEO methods. I’m damn sure you
don’t want to burn a hole in your pocket with
frustrating Adword campaigns.

What you need is a simple but powerful tool that
takes the time and costs out of online profiteering.
Mike Wright and Imran S have found a way to combine
the strengths of Twitter with the opportunities
presented by Clickbank."
and so on.

Makes me wonder if they would also do all my tweeting for me (just the same way they offered me to generate the content for my blog)?


At least there is not much work involved

Although I did not pay the fee requested, I still got a mail explaining the details about my new money generating blog. I didn't even dream about it being that easy:

Hi Hubert,

Congratulations... You've Got A Free Blog

Now if you'd like me and my team to take
care of all the set-up including buying
the domain, providing web hosting and even
writing regular content then click below
right now:


You can be up and making profit within the
next 24 to 48 hours.

Wah! "and even writing regular content" Isn't that gorgeous? I don't even have to care about "Content". My blog will automatically take care of that as well.

A great idea, that is. There must be millions of bloggers who do not give a fart about their post's content. Just like me. Maybe I should start making money right away!

A good start: I'm an idiot anyway

A few days ago, I found this interesting email in my inbox:

Dear Friend
Are you ready for a change?
A new strategy for making money online... Something none of the 'Guru's' are teaching... or even know about themselves.
Are you sick of banging your head against a brick wall trying the same OLD techniques that just aren't producing results anymore.

The mail finally directs me to: http://www.bloggingtothebank.com/, a site promising me several hundred dollars per day by simply blogging.  Why the hell did I sign up for blogspot.com then? WTF?

As you already know, I'm an idiot, so I signed in for one of the few money making blogs left and - guess what?
Click Below To Get Your Own Automated Money Making Blog For Just $24.95 And Be Up And Making Money Today...
Aaargh. I'm afraid, I don't have a credit card number handy right now. So still no fortune earned by my blogging.